Dance every day

Earlier I said that music is an important element for me to happiness . I like to enjoy dancing but as I get older I notice that I just dance less often. ‘Sing , laugh and dance every day’ the motto I think is an important message that I want to teach my children. When the children were young I danced a lot with them , they do constantly nowadays, even now while they are reaching puberty . Even though I try occasionally to take a moment of dancing. I like to dance to different types of songs , from U2 to Prince and everything in between , also good mixes of DJs can’t stop my feet of dancing . This week I hear the song Dance , dance, dance of Lykke Li in my head all the time. This is such a song where you can dance to, a bit easy dancing I admit,  it’s not a number where you can go crazy, but that is not always necessary anyway …. search your dance song and dance , it will do you good!